Results for 'Mathias G. Parding'

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  1.  37
    A Portrait of Spiritlessness in the Age of Leveling.Mathias G. Parding - 2018 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 23 (1):155-178.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 23 Heft: 1 Seiten: 155-178.
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    Towards the Socratic Mission: Imitatio Socratis.Mathias G. Parding - 2021 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 26 (1):193-222.
    It is known that Kierkegaard’s relation to politics was problematic and marked by a somewhat reactionary stance. The nature of this problematic relation, however, will be shown to lie in the tension between his double skepticism of the order of establishment [det Bestående] on the one hand, and the political associations of his age on the other. In this tension he is immersed, trembling between Scylla and Charybdis. On the one hand Kierkegaard is hesitant to support the progressive political movements (...)
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    The Kantian Sublime Reflected in the Kierkegaardian Sublime.Mathias Parding - 2023 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 28 (1):217-247.
    Occupying a seemingly minor role in the authorship of Kierkegaard, the concept of “the sublime” has not received much attention in the reception, compared to that of other more prominent concepts. This could essentially imply one of two things: either that the sublime is not an important theme for Kierkegaard, or that it is so pervasively present, that the reader does not know how to conceive it, let alone get a hold of a tangible definition of it. Proceeding from the (...)
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  4. - Research - Work On Political P Hilosophy.Mathias Risse - unknown
    Collective rationality has attracted much attention by formal theorists, but philosophically, much of it is still poorly understood. The difficulties are easily motivated. As long as we only aggregate preferences (as we do in the case of majoritarian decision-making), there are different proposals for how to do so, and arguments on their behalves can be developed. However, there are voting methods that use rankings other than ordinal ones, and arguments for specific preference-based methods fail to be effective against such methods. (...)
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    Rudimentary Recursion, Gentle Functions and Provident Sets.A. R. D. Mathias & N. J. Bowler - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (1):3-60.
    This paper, a contribution to “micro set theory”, is the study promised by the first author in [M4], as improved and extended by work of the second. We use the rudimentarily recursive functions and the slightly larger collection of gentle functions to initiate the study of provident sets, which are transitive models of $\mathsf{PROVI}$, a subsystem of $\mathsf{KP}$ whose minimal model is Jensen’s $J_{\omega}$. $\mathsf{PROVI}$ supports familiar definitions, such as rank, transitive closure and ordinal addition—though not ordinal multiplication—and Shoenfield’s unramified (...)
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    The Disappearance of Form? Some Methodological Considerations on a Lost Conceptual Dimension in Biology.Mathias Gutmann - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (5):666-680.
    The concept of form belongs—apparently—to an older stage of biological concept formation. Paradoxically, it is even the insistence on the reference to form that shows its very disappearance.1 The more the functionalization2, systematization, and finally algorithmization of modern biology3 advances, in the sense of systems biology, synthetic biology and bioinformatics, the less audible the call for a rehabilitation of the concept of form becomes.This technomorphic tendency, to deal with living entities in terms of artifacts, increasingly brought the concept of transformation (...)
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    Die Wissenschaftslehre und die Fundamentaltheologie: Bilanz und Ausblick wesensverwandter Rationalitäten.Mathias Müller - 2024 - Fichte-Studien 53 (2):457-488.
    Zusammenfassung „G[ottes]L[ehre] in gewisser Beziehung = W[issenschafts]L[ehre]“ (GA II/7: 381). So lautet 1805 in nuce Fichtes Verhältnisbestimmung von transzendentaler und (modern:) theologischer Reflexion, die sich so wesensverwandt gegenüberstehen. Während die Wissenschaftslehre in gewisser Beziehung theologische Rationalität wird, verdankt sich gerechtfertigte Theologie immer schon transzendentaler Rationalität. Es ist zu zeigen, dass diese spezifische Theologie, die Fichte damals vor Augen hatte, seit ihrem Aufkommen im 19. Jahrhundert, die sogenannte Fundamentaltheologie ist. Wissenschaftslehre und Fundamentaltheologie sind Grundlagenwissenschaften. Die folgenden Überlegungen gehen einerseits historisch fünf (...)
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    Frygten for fraktioner i forestillinger om folket – Hobbes, Locke og Rousseau om suverænitet, folk og politik.Mathias Hein Jessen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    I denne artikel argumenterer jeg for, at forestillingen om folkesuverænitet overtager den politiske grundmodel fra tidligere måder at tænke suverænitet på ved at kon- stituere det politiske forhold som værende det mellem individet på den ene side og staten, nationen eller folket på den anden. Dermed bliver individet det grundlæg- gende politiske subjekt, hvormed alle andre sammenslutninger udgrænses som po- litiske subjekter. Artiklen argumenterer for, at en afgørende del af forestillingen om suverænitet var tømningen af det politiske rum mellem staten (...)
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    Preludes to a reconstructive “environmental science”.Mathias Gutmann & Michael Weingarten - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (s 1-2):37-61.
    Biodiversity is a term easily applied in different and differing contexts. At first glance it seems to be a biological concept, defined and used in the realm of biological theory, serving for the description of particular aspects of the human and non-human environment. In this sense biodiversity even found its way into the texts of international conventions: “Biological diversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic systems and the ecological complexes (...)
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  10. Preference Aggregation After Harsanyi.Matthias Hild, Mathias Risse & Richard Jeffrey - 1998 - In Marc Fleurbaey, Maurice Salles & John A. Weymark, Justice, political liberalism, and utilitarianism: Themes from Harsanyi and Rawls. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 198-219.
    Consider a group of people whose preferences satisfy the axioms of one of the current versions of utility theory, such as von Neumann-Morgenstern (1944), Savage (1954), or Bolker-Jeffrey (1965). There are political and economic contexts in which it is of interest to find ways of aggregating these individual preferences into a group preference ranking. The question then arises of whether methods of aggregation exist in which the group’s preferences also satisfy the axioms of the chosen utility theory, and in which (...)
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  11.  77
    What is mirrored by mirror neurons?Benjamin Rathgeber & Mathias Gutmann - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (3-4):233-247.
    Mirror neurons are a particular class of visumotorical neurons, originally discovered in area F5 of the monkey premotorical cortex. They discharge both (1) when the animal performs a specific action and (2) when it observes a similar action. Actually, it is often assumed that this unique functioning could explain different abilities ranging from imitation behaviour to faculty of speech. In this article, we discuss the question what is meant by the expression: The neuron x mirrors the action y by perception (...)
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  12. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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    From reflex to planning: Multimodal versatile complex systems in biorobotics.Jean-Paul Banquet, Philippe Gaussier, Mathias Quoy & Arnaud Revel - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1051-1053.
    As models of living beings acting in a real world biorobots undergo an accelerated “philogenic” complexification. The first efficient robots performed simple animal behaviours (e.g., those of ants, crickets) and later on isolated elementary behaviours of complex beings. The increasing complexity of the tasks robots are dedicated to is matched by an increasing complexity and versatility of the architectures now supporting conditioning or even elementary planning.
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    Guidelines for the reuse of ontology content.Michael Halper, Larisa N. Soldatova, Mathias Brochhausen, Fatima Sabiu Maikore, Christopher Ochs & Yehoshua Perl - 2023 - Applied ontology 18 (1):5-29.
    Reuse of elements from existing ontologies in the construction of new ontologies is a foundational principle in ontological design. It offers the benefits, among others, of consistency and interoperability between such knowledge structures as well as sharing resources. Reuse is widely found within important collections of established ontologies, such as BioPortal and the OBO Foundry. However, reuse comes with its own potential problems involving ontological commitment, granularity, and ambiguity. Guidelines are proposed to aid ontology developers and curators in their prospective (...)
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    A variant of Mathias forcing that preserves \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathsf{ACA}_0}$$\end{document}. [REVIEW]François G. Dorais - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):751-780.
    We present and analyze \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${F_\sigma}$$\end{document}-Mathias forcing, which is similar but tamer than Mathias forcing. In particular, we show that this forcing preserves certain weak subsystems of second-order arithmetic such as \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathsf{ACA}_0}$$\end{document} and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathsf{WKL}_0 + \mathsf{I}\Sigma^0_2}$$\end{document}, whereas Mathias forcing does not. We also show that the needed reals for \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} (...)
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    Mathias Baltes: Die Weltentstehung des platonischen Timaios nach den antiken Interpreten, Teil I. (Philosophia Antiqua, 30. Pp. xiii + 247. Leiden: Brill, 1976. Paper, fl. 45). [REVIEW]G. B. Kerferd - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (02):316-.
  17.  30
    Mathias Baltes: Die Weltentstehung des platonischen Timaios nach den antiken Interpreten, Teil I. (Philosophia Antiqua, 30. Pp. xiii + 247. Leiden: Brill, 1976. Paper, fl. 45. [REVIEW]G. B. Kerferd - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (2):316-316.
  18. Theologie aus Erfahrung der Gnade. Annaeherungen an Karl Rahner (edited by Mariano Delgado and Mathias-Lutz Bachmann).M. G. Parker - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37:207-208.
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  19. The Probability Map of the Universe: Essays on David Albert’s Time and Chance.Barry Loewer, Brad Weslake & Eric B. Winsberg (eds.) - 2023 - Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
    A collection of newly commissioned papers on themes from David Albert's Time and Chance (HUP, 2000), with replies by Albert. Introduction [Barry Loewer, Brad Weslake, and Eric Winsberg] I. Overview of Time and Chance 1. The Mentaculus: A Probability Map of the Universe [Barry Loewer] II. Philosophical Foundations 2. The Metaphysical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics: On the Status of PROB and PH [Eric Winsberg] 3. The Logic of the Past Hypothesis [David Wallace] 4. In What Sense Is the Early Universe (...)
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    Mathias Risse replies.Mathias Risse - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (3):254-259.
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    Due vedute di Roma.B. R. Brinkman - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (2):176–192.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by David Noel Freedman with Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins. The Gospel of Matthew. By Daniel J. Harrington. Paul: An Introduction to his Thought. By C. K. Barrett. A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identiy. By Daniel Boyarin. New Testament Theology. By G. B. Caird, completed and edited by L. D. Hurst. The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius. By Peter Widdicombe. Dieu et (...)
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    Inconsistency, asymmetry, and non-locality: a philosophical investigation of classical electrodynamics.Mathias Frisch - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Mathias Frisch provides the first sustained philosophical discussion of conceptual problems in classical particle-field theories. Part of the book focuses on the problem of a satisfactory equation of motion for charged particles interacting with electromagnetic fields. As Frisch shows, the standard equation of motion results in a mathematically inconsistent theory, yet there is no fully consistent and conceptually unproblematic alternative theory. Frisch describes in detail how the search for a fundamental equation of motion is partly driven by pragmatic considerations (...)
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    Décision et rationalité : un sujet indiscipliné.Mathias Pessiglione - 2014 - Cités 60 (4):29-41.
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    On the non-existence of mad families.Haim Horowitz & Saharon Shelah - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):325-338.
    We show that the non-existence of mad families is equiconsistent with \, answering an old question of Mathias. We also consider the above result in the general context of maximal independent sets in Borel graphs, and we construct a Borel graph G such that \ “there is no maximal independent set in G” is equiconsistent with \ “there exists an inaccessible cardinal”.
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    On global justice.Mathias Risse - 2012 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The grounds of justice -- "Un pouvoir ordinaire": shared membership in a state as a ground of -- Justice -- Internationalism versus statism and globalism: contemporary debates -- What follows from our common humanity? : the institutional stance, human rights, and nonrelationism -- Hugo Grotius revisited : collective ownership of the Earth and global public reason -- "Our sole habitation" : a contemporary approach to collective ownership of the earth -- Toward a contingent derivation of human rights -- Proportionate use (...)
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    Das Fach der Stunde, reloaded.Mathias Grote & Anke te Heesen - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):355-358.
    Subject of the Moment, Reloaded. The catalogue of Ludwig Darmstaedter's document collection, which contains sources as well as a categorization conspicuous of a history of knowledge avant la lettre, invites for a revisiting of the history of our discipline, thereby asking for its current role in academia and beyond. We argue that as historians of science or as historians of knowledge, our discipline disposes of the tools and topics necessary to respond to urgent epistemic and political problems.
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  27. Von Toulon bis Ceylon: Schopenhauers und Čechovs Reiseaufzeichnungen.Mathias Weber - 2004 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 85:179-189.
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    Der Rigor der Gerechtigkeit: Eine an der Triage in der COVID-19-Pandemie orientierte theologische Analyse.Mathias Wirth - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 65 (3):202-214.
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    Step-by-Step: On the Way to the Rehabilitation of the Sacrifice in the Correspondence between Raymund Schwager and René Girard.Józef Niewiadomski - 2014 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 21:67-73.
    Karin Peter and Nikolaus Wandinger, James G. Williams, and Mathias Moosbrugger give in their essays in this volume of Contagion some basic information about the correspondence between these two “beautiful minds”: René Girard and Raymund Schwager. I would now like to go “step-by-step” along the way of some selected letters, and this only insofar as they discussed the question of sacrifice.1 Going this way the reader can get an idea how these two men were dealing with each other. These (...)
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  30. Racial Profiling.Mathias Risse & Richard Zeckhauser - 2004 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 32 (2):131-170.
    We have benefited from conversations with Archon Fung, Brian Jacob, Todd Pittinsky, Peter Schuck, Ani Satz, Andrew Williams, and students in a joint class on statistics and ethics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government in October 2002. We are also grateful to our audience at the conference “The Priority of Practice,” organized by Jonathan Wolff at University College London in September 2003, and to Arthur Applbaum, Miriam Avins, Frances Kamm, Simon Keller, Frederick Schauer, Alan Wertheimer, and the Editors (...)
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  31. How Does the Global Order Harm the Poor?Mathias Risse - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 33 (4):349-376.
  32.  22
    Naturkrise und Einheitsmetaphysik: Giordano Bruno und Martin Heidegger im Kontext der Kritischen Patriarchatstheorie.Mathias Behmann - 2021 - New York: Peter Lang.
    In diesem Buch werden die zwei Grundsäulen der "Kritischen Patriarchatstheorie" - die Matriarchale Naturphilosophie und die Patriarchatskritische Geschichtsphilosophie - vorgestellt und im Rahmen einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit der Naturphilosophie Giordano Brunos sowie der Geschichtsphilosophie Martin Heideggers erläutert.
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    Die Freiheitsfalle: ein Bericht.Mathias Döpfner - 2011 - Berlin: Propyläen.
  34. Causal Reasoning in Physics.Mathias Frisch - 2014 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Much has been written on the role of causal notions and causal reasoning in the so-called 'special sciences' and in common sense. But does causal reasoning also play a role in physics? Mathias Frisch argues that, contrary to what influential philosophical arguments purport to show, the answer is yes. Time-asymmetric causal structures are as integral a part of the representational toolkit of physics as a theory's dynamical equations. Frisch develops his argument partly through a critique of anti-causal arguments and (...)
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  35. Severity as a Priority Setting Criterion: Setting a Challenging Research Agenda.Mathias Barra, Mari Broqvist, Erik Gustavsson, Martin Henriksson, Niklas Juth, Lars Sandman & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 28 (1):25-44.
    Priority setting in health care is ubiquitous and health authorities are increasingly recognising the need for priority setting guidelines to ensure efficient, fair, and equitable resource allocation. While cost-effectiveness concerns seem to dominate many policies, the tension between utilitarian and deontological concerns is salient to many, and various severity criteria appear to fill this gap. Severity, then, must be subjected to rigorous ethical and philosophical analysis. Here we first give a brief history of the path to today’s severity criteria in (...)
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    Counterfactuals and the Past Hypothesis.Mathias Frisch - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):739-750.
    Albert provides a sketch of an entropy account of the causal and counterfactual asymmetries. This paper critically examines a proposal that may be thought to fill in some of the lacunae in Albert’s account.
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  37. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 105: 1999 Lectures and Memoirs.Mathias Peter - 2000
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    Training of Tonal Similarity Ratings in Non-Musicians: A “Rapid Learning” Approach.Mathias S. Oechslin, Damian Läge & Oliver Vitouch - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Vittorio Hösles Umweltphilosophie im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitsidee: Wege eines suffizienzorientierten Paradigmenwechsels für ein erneuertes Naturverhältnis.Mathias Schneider - 2015 - Berlin: Lit.
    Wie lassen sich die globalen Ökosysteme und damit auch die Lebensgrundlage zukünftiger Generationen dauerhaft vor ihrer Zerstörung bewahren? Weder bessere Technologien noch Effizienzsteigerungen reichen aus, es bedarf vielmehr der Hinwendung zu suffizienten Lebensstilen. Die Studie, die an der Schnittstelle von Naturphilosophie, angewandter Ethik und empirisch-ökologischer Forschung anzusiedeln ist, thematisiert eine der dringendsten Fragen der Zeitgeschichte: das Naturverständnis des Menschen angesichts einer "ökologischen Krise". Dabei geht es auch um die Frage, warum Natur als raumzeitliche Verflechtung aller Lebewesen einen Eigenwert besitzt, der (...)
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    Globale Armut, Klimanotstand und praktische Hoffnung.Mathias Thaler - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (4):622-632.
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    Staged: Show trials, political theater, and the aesthetics of judgment.Mathias Thaler - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):134-137.
  42.  58
    Hope Abjuring Hope: On the Place of Utopia in Realist Political Theory.Mathias Thaler - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (5):671-697.
    This essay reconstructs the place of utopia in realist political theory, by examining the ways in which the literary genre of critical utopias can productively unsettle ongoing discussions about “how to do political theory.” I start by analyzing two prominent accounts of the relationship between realism and utopia: “real utopia” (Erik Olin Wright et al.) and “dystopic liberalism” (Judith Shklar et al.). Elaborating on Raymond Geuss’s recent reflections, the essay then claims that an engagement with literature can shift the focus (...)
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  43. Predictivism and old evidence: a critical look at climate model tuning.Mathias Frisch - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (2):171-190.
    Many climate scientists have made claims that may suggest that evidence used in tuning or calibrating a climate model cannot be used to evaluate the model. By contrast, the philosophers Katie Steele and Charlotte Werndl have argued that, at least within the context of Bayesian confirmation theory, tuning is simply an instance of hypothesis testing. In this paper I argue for a weak predictivism and in support of a nuanced reading of climate scientists’ concerns about tuning: there are cases, model-tuning (...)
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  44. Causality and dispersion: A reply to John Norton.Mathias Frisch - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (3):487 - 495.
    Classical dispersion relations are derived from a time-asymmetric constraint. I argue that the standard causal interpretation of this constraint plays a scientifically legitimate role in dispersion theory, and hence provides a counterexample to the causal skepticism advanced by John Norton and others. Norton ([2009]) argues that the causal interpretation of the time-asymmetric constraint is an empty honorific and that the constraint can be motivated by purely non-causal considerations. In this paper I respond to Norton's criticisms and argue that Norton's skepticism (...)
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  45. How semantic memory structure and intelligence contribute to creative thought: a network science approach.Mathias Benedek, Yoed N. Kenett, Konstantin Umdasch, David Anaki, Miriam Faust & Aljoscha C. Neubauer - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (2):158-183.
    The associative theory of creativity states that creativity is associated with differences in the structure of semantic memory, whereas the executive theory of creativity emphasises the role of top-down control for creative thought. For a powerful test of these accounts, individual semantic memory structure was modelled with a novel method based on semantic relatedness judgements and different criteria for network filtering were compared. The executive account was supported by a correlation between creative ability and broad retrieval ability. The associative account (...)
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  46. Peraḳim be-mishnato shel ha-Maharal mi-Prag: nośʼim merkaziyim be-shiṭat ha-Maharal, meluḳaṭim mi-kol sefaraṿ.Ḥayim Pardes - 1984 - Tel-Aviv: Mekhon "Yad Mordekhai" ʻal shem ha-gaʼon ha-tsadiḳ ha-Rav Mordekhai Yehudah Leyb Zaḳsh.
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    Social Trait Information in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Trained for Face Identification.Connor J. Parde, Ying Hu, Carlos Castillo, Swami Sankaranarayanan & Alice J. O'Toole - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (6):e12729.
    Faces provide information about a person's identity, as well as their sex, age, and ethnicity. People also infer social and personality traits from the face — judgments that can have important societal and personal consequences. In recent years, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have proven adept at representing the identity of a face from images that vary widely in viewpoint, illumination, expression, and appearance. These algorithms are modeled on the primate visual cortex and consist of multiple processing layers of simulated (...)
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  48. No place for causes? Causal skepticism in physics.Mathias Frisch - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 2 (3):313-336.
    According to a widespread view, which can be traced back to Russell’s famous attack on the notion of cause, causal notions have no legitimate role to play in how mature physical theories represent the world. In this paper I first critically examine a number of arguments for this view that center on the asymmetry of the causal relation and argue that none of them succeed. I then argue that embedding the dynamical models of a theory into richer causal structures can (...)
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  49. Philosophical issues in electromagnetism.Mathias Frisch - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 4 (1):255-270.
    This paper provides a survey of several philosophical issues arising in classical electrodynamics arguing that there is a philosophically rich set of problems in theories of classical physics that have not yet received the attention by philosophers that they deserve. One issue, which is connected to the philosophy of causation, concerns the temporal asymmetry exhibited by radiation fields in the presence of wave sources. Physicists and philosophers disagree on whether this asymmetry reflects a fundamental causal asymmetry or is due to (...)
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  50. A tale of two arrows.Mathias Frisch - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (3):542-558.
    In this paper I propose a reasonably sharp formulation of the temporal asymmetry of radiation. I criticize accounts that propose to derive the asymmetry from a low-entropy assumption characterizing the state of the early universe and argue that these accounts fail, since they presuppose the very asymmetry they are intended to derive. r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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